Accessorial Services IN Quote API

In the table below you will find accessorial services provided by carrier. You can use the mapping code as parameter 'accessorials' used in GigaCloud`s LTL Quote API.


Accessorial Description 说明 Mapping Code
APT Appointment Request 需要预约 APTD
CONST Construction Site Delivery 施工现场送货 CNSTD
FRZ Protect from Freezing (U.S. Only) 防止冻结(仅限美国) PSC
HD Residential Delivery 住宅送货 RES
HPU Residential Pickup 住宅取货 REP
INB In-Bond Service 保税服务 INBD
INP Inside Pickup 内部取货 IPU
INS Inside Delivery 内部送货 IDL
LADPU Dock Pickup of Limited Access Shipment 码头取货有访问限制 LTDAP
LGATE Lift-Gate Service (Delivery) 送货带升降门服务 LFTD
LGATEP Lift-Gate Service (Pickup) 取货带升降门服务 LFTP
LONG12 Overlength Freight (8.00'-11.99') 超长附加费(8-11.99feet) OD
LONG16 Overlength Freight (12.00'-15.99') 超长附加费(12-15.99feet) OD
LONG20 Overlength Freight (16.00'-19.99') 超长附加费(16-19.99feet) OD
LONG28 Overlength Freight (20.00’-27.99’) 超长附加费(20-27.99feet) OD
LONG40 Overlength Freight (28.00'-39.99') 超长附加费(28-39.99feet) OD
LONG53 Overlength Freight (Exceeds 40’) 超长附加费(超过40feet) OD
NCM Notify Request 通知请求 MNC
PRISDL Secured Locations Delivery - prisons, military bases, airports, etc. 安全地点送货-监狱、军事基地、机场等 SLTDAD
PRISPU Secured Locations Pickup - prisons, military bases, airports, etc. 安全地点取货-监狱、军事基地、机场等 SLTDAP
SSM Single Shipment 单次送货 SS


Accessorial Description 说明 Mapping Code
insidePickup Inside Pickup 内部取货 IPU
insideDelivery Inside Delivery 内部送货 IDL
liftgatePickup Liftgate Pickup 取货时需要升降梯 LFTP
liftgateDelivery Liftgate Delivery 送货时需要升降梯 LFTD
residentialPickup Residential Pickup 住宅取货 REP
residentialDelivery Residential Delivery 住宅送货 RES
tradeshowPickup Tradeshow Pickup(Tradeshow materials classed at 125.) 展会取货 EBP
tradeshowDelivery Tradeshow Delivery(Tradeshow materials classed at 125.) 展会送货 EBD
constructionShitePickup Construction Site Pickup 施工现场取货 CNSTP
constructionSiteDelivery Construction Site Delivery 施工现场送货 CNSTD
notifyBeforeDelivery Notify Before Delivery 送货前通知 MNC
limitedAccessPickup Limited Access Pickup 取货限制 LTDAP
limitedAccessDelivery Limited Access Delivery 送货限制 LTDAD
collectOnDelivery Collect On Delivery(COD) 货到付款 COD


Accessorial Description 说明 Mapping Code
APT Appointment Charge 预约费 APTD
CSD Construction Delivery 施工场地送货 CNSTD
CSP Construction Pickup 施工场地取货 CNSTP
ESD Exhibition Site Delivery 展会现场送货 EBD
EXH Exhibition Site Pickup 展会现场取货 EBP
ID Inside Delivery 内部送货 IDL
IP Inside Pickup 内部取货 INS
LGD Liftgate Delivery 送货需要升降梯 LFTD
LTD Limited Access Delivery 送货访问限制 LTDAD
LTP Limited Access Pick-Up 取货访问限制 LTDAP
LGP Liftgate Pickup 取货需要升降梯 LFTP
NC Notification Charge 通知费 MNC
PWD Pier Port or Warf Delivery 码头港口或军事基地送货 SLTDAD
PWP Pier Port or Warf Pickup 码头港口或军事基地取货 SLTDAP
PSC Protect From Cold 防寒 PSC
PSH Protect From Heat 防热 PSH
RSD Residential Delivery 住宅送货 REP
RSP Residential Pickup 住宅取货 REP


Accessorial Description 说明 Mapping Code
11 Lift Gate Pickup 取货时需要升降门 LFTP
12 Lift Gate Delivery 送货时需要升降门 LFTD
13 Residential Pickup 住宅取货 REP
14 Residential Delivery 住宅送货 RES
15 Inside Delivery 内部送货 IDL
17 Notify Prior To Arrival 送货前通知 MNC
41 Non Commercial Delivery - Construction/Utility Site 非商业送货-建筑/公共设施现场 CNSTD
105 Inside Pickup 内部取货 IPU
108 Sort and Segregate 分类隔离 SRT
116 Protect From Freeze 防冻 PSC
121 Non Commercial Pickup - Construction/Utility Site 非商业取货-建筑、共用设施现场 CNSTP
138 Non Commercial Pickup - Limited Access 非商业取货-有访问限制 LFTP
139 Non Commercial Delivery - Limited Access 非商业送货-有访问限制 LTDAD
152 Appointment Pickup 预约取货 APTP
153 Appointment Delivery 预约送货 APTD


Accessorial Description 说明 Mapping Code
APT: Appointment Required (Consignee) Appointment required at delivery 送货时需要预约 APTD
APT: Appointment Required (Shipper) Appointment required at pickup 取货时需要预约 APTP
CSD: Construction Site Delivery Construction site delivery 施工现场送货 CNSTD
CSP: Construction Site Pickup Construction site pickup 施工现场取货 CNSTP
ID: Inside Delivery Inside delivery 内部送货 IDL
IP: Inside Pickup Inside pickup 内部取货 IPU
LFD: Liftgate Delivery Lift gate required at delivery 送货时需要升降门 LFTD
LFP: Liftgate Pickup Lift gate required at pickup 取货时需要升降门 LFTP
RSD: Residential Delivery Residential delivery 住宅送货 RES
RSP: Residential Pickup Residential pickup 住宅取货 REP


Accessorial Description 说明 Mapping Code 备注
InsideDelivery Select this option if you need the driver to go inside (beyond the unloading area described in Item 750 of the Rules Tariff to deliver your shipment. Additional fees apply for this service. 内部送货 IDL
LimitedAccessPickup Select this option if you are shipping from non-commercial, residential and/or private locations. For more see Rules Tariff #753. Additional fees apply for this service. 取货时是非商业地址,需要访问权限 LTDAP
LimitedAccessDelivery Select this option if you are shipping to non-commercial, residential and/or private locations. For a complete list of locations that are considered residential/limited access, please see Rules Tariff #753. Additional fees apply for this service. *Some residential deliveries may require additional days of service. *Note: Some residential deliveries may require additional days of service. 送货时非商业地址,需要访问权限 LTDAD
OriginLiftgate Select this service when a loading dock is not available. A liftgate is a mechanical platform at the back of some trucks that is used to raise the freight from the ground onto the bed of the truck. Additional fees apply for this service. 取货时,需要升降梯 LFTP
DestinationLiftgate Select this service when a loading dock is not available. A liftgate is a platform at the back of certain trucks that can lower the shipment from the truck to the ground. Additional fees apply for this service. 送货时,需要升降梯 LFTD 业务常用
DeliveryAppointment Select this option if you need R+L Carriers to contact the shipper or consignee to schedule a delivery appointment. Additional fees apply for this service. 送货通知 MNC 业务常用
InsidePickup Select this option if you need the driver to go inside (beyond the loading area described in Item 750 of the Rules Tariff) to pick up your shipment. Additional fees apply for this service. 内部取货 IPU
Freezable Temperature sensitive shipments that could freeze in extreme weather (service offered Sept 1st thru April 1st). Select this if you have a shipment that is prone to freezing and you would like added protection. Freezable shipments are shipments that have potential to freeze during transport, which would damage the product. Additional fees apply for this service. 防冻结 PSC
COD Arrangement whereby the carrier collects payment from the consignee for the goods delivered on behalf of the shipper and remits it to the shipper. 货到付款 COD
SortAndSegregate Choose this option if you would like your shipment loaded according to sizes, brands, flavors and/or other distinguishing characteristics rather than by lots or units destined to each consignee. Item 882 of the Rules Tariff. 分类和隔离 SRT
OverDimension Select over dimension if any of the articles being shipped are Eight (8) feet or greater in length. Item 670 of the Rules Tariff. 超尺寸,超过8英尺 OD

Freight Club

Accessorial Description 说明 Mapping Code 备注
Curbside(Liftgate) This Curbside ship method will ensure your package will be delivered to the curb of your residenceor business. 送到路边,带升降梯 LFTD 业务常用
Basic Threshold(No SignatureRequired) Basic Threshold Delivery is similar to a ground shipment. This freight service level entails that theshipment will be left on the porch or first dry area of the home or a business with no signaturerequired and no appointment. 送到门廊,不需要签名 TDN
Threshold Threshold Delivery consists of delivery to the threshold of your home or business. 送到门廊,需要签名 TD
Room OfChoice This Room of Choice service takes away the hassle of moving furniture! 送货到室内 IDL 业务常用
White Glove -PackagingRemoval White Glove - Packaging Removal service lets you sit back and relax while your furniture is placedinside in your room of choice (includes carrying the product up two (2) flights of stairs from thethreshold). 送货到室内,安装,垃圾处理 IDAT 业务常用
White Glove -Light Assembly White Glove - Light Assembly service is the highest level of home assembly service 送货到室内,安装 IDA 业务常用

GIGA Lastmile

Code Description 说明 Mapping Code
1001 In-Home Delivery Only 送货上门 IDL
1002 In-Home Delivery, Assembly 送货上门、安装 IDA
1003 In-Home Delivery, Assembly & Trash Removal 送货上门、安装、垃圾处理 IDAT
1004 In-Home Pickup 上门取货 IPU
1005 In-Home Pickup & Disassembly 上门取货、拆卸 IPD
1006 In-Home Delivery, Unboxing Only 送货上门、仅开箱 IDU
1007 In-Home Delivery, Unboxing & Trash Removal 送货上门、开箱、垃圾处理 IDUT
1008 Drop Off 送到院子旁边马路上 LFTD
1009 Threshold 送到门廊、签收 TD
1010 Threshold-NSR 送到门廊、不签收 TDN