Accessorial Services IN Ltl Shipment API

In the table below you will find accessorial services provided by carrier. You can use the accessorial code as parameter 'accessorials' used in GigaCloud`s LTL Create Shipment API.


Accessorial Description 说明
GROC Grocery Warehouse Delay Fee 杂货仓库延迟费用
GTD_NOON Guaranteed service - by Noon 中午保证送达
GTD_PM Guaranteed service - by End of Day 当天结束前保证送达
HDSIG Residential Appt/Signature Delivery Required 需要住宅预约/签收
IDL Inside delivery 内部送货
INBD In bond shipment 保税运输
IPU Inside pickup 内部提货
LFTD Lift gate required at delivery 交货需要升降门
LFTP Lift gate required at pickup 提货需要升降门
MNC Must notify consignee 必须通知收货人
OVR Over dimension/excessive length 超尺寸/超长
PPD Perishables (food) 易腐物品(食品)
PSC Protective from cold 防寒保护
PSN Poisonous material 有毒物质
REP Residential pickup 住宅提货
RES Residential delivery 住宅送货
SS Single Shipment 单一装运
ULFEE Unloading Services Requested By Consignee 收货人要求的卸货服务
CONSUM Consummable 消耗品
DSDD Do Not Double Stack 不要双层堆叠
ADP1 Notify Contact in Special Instructions for Any Delivery Issues 任何交货问题请通知特殊指示联系人
DBDP Do Not Break Down the Pallet 不要拆开托盘
FRAG Fragile - Handle with Care 易碎品,小心处理
PREACC Added Accessorials Require Pre Approval 额外的附加费需要预先批准
PSA Packing Slip Attached 附有装箱单
SKSW Do Not Remove Shrink Wrap From Skid 不要移除托盘上的缠绕膜